Decide & VOTE


This page contains political party platforms indicating where the parties stand on the issues. Links and quizzes on selecting candidates are also included. The quizzes ask questions and match the answers with the candidate that most closely shares those views. Make the decision on whom to vote for and go vote! Links at the bottom of the page indicate where to vote and how to communicate with political representatives.

Political Party Platforms

The Democratic Party

The Democratic Party platform may be accessed by clicking on

The following are feeds from the Democratic Party website. The content is not chosen by

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The Republican Party

The Republican Party platform may be accessed by clicking on Republican Party Platform.

There is not a news feed from the Republican Party website.

The Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party platform may be accessed by clicking on

There is not a news feed from the Libertarian Party website.

AARP Voter Guides to Help Select a Candidate for Presidential and Local Elections

The AARP website has a voters’ guide that has answers on several issues from candidates indicating how the candidates support, oppose, or abstain certain proposals. The guide may be accessed by clicking on AARP Voter Guide.

Also, AARP has a “Key Vote Summary” which “tracks how the Senators and Representatives who represent AARP’s members are voting on the issues critical to Americans age 50+.” To access the summary, click on State Key Vote Summary.

Quizzes to Help Select Candidates

Try this short quiz to see which political party you side with on

The Washington Post also has a quiz to help choose your candidate.

Last Step: VOTE!

To find out what issues and what candidates will be on your specific ballot, perform a search on Google, Bing, Yahoo!, or any other search engine for “sample ballot” and your city and state. From the search results you will find a sample ballot which will list out the candidates that will be on your official voting ballot. On most sample ballots, the candidates and their websites will be listed. From there, you can visit the candidates’ websites and read their particular stances on the issues.

Use the following links to find out where to vote:

Stay Engaged (Communicate with Political Representatives)

To email the United States President or Vice-President, click on Contacting the White House.

To email a United States Congressman (those in the House of Representatives), click on Write Your Representative.

To email a United States Senator (those in the Senate), click on U.S. Senators Home.