Oct 062010
According to the 2001 report by the United States General Accounting Office, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates received $184 million in 1999 and $196 million in 2000 in federal funds. The entire report may be read by clicking on Reproductive Health: Federal Funds That Supported Four Nonprofit Organizations.
According to a 2007 report by the National Right to Life:
- Planned Parenthood performed 264,943 abortions in 2005, double the 139,899 number it did in 1995.
- Compared to the 264,943 abortions, Planned Parenthood saw 12,548 prenatal clients.
The entire report may be read by clicking on Another Abortion Record at Planned Parenthood: PPFA Tries to Mask Crucial Role of Abortion to Its Mission and Bottom Line.
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